The Blog

Daughterhood – Embracing the Future Together

Daughterhood – Embracing the Future Together

I got a letter from the IRS!  Not a bad letter, a good one! After almost a year of preparing and applying, Daughterhood received its 501 c 3, tax-exempt status. This marks an exciting and important turning point in the evolution of our work at Daughterhood. What...

3 Strategies to Overcome the Most Stressful Part of Daughterhood

3 Strategies to Overcome the Most Stressful Part of Daughterhood

There is almost nothing in life more stressful than feeling like you are 100 percent responsible for a situation over which you have zero control. This is happening a lot these days in my house because somehow, somewhere, my daughter has grown into a teenager and I’ve...

The Myth of Self Care in Caregiving

The Myth of Self Care in Caregiving

Every time you turn on your computer, there’s some story or advice about the importance of self-care, especially for women. We read about how we need to get more sleep, which has the effect of keeping us up all night worrying about the bad things that will happen if...

What My Dad’s Death Taught Me About Dying

What My Dad’s Death Taught Me About Dying

Three years ago, my father and I rode horses together for miles and miles of trails at a Florida state park. Two weeks after that, the world shut down and two years later, he died. His dying was my first very close-up experience with serious illness and death. If...

It’s Not Your Fault

It’s Not Your Fault

The emails come into our inbox. “Please help,” is usually how they start. What so often follows is the same story with only slightly different details. A 90-something parent, living on social security, has fallen, gone to the hospital and now needs rehabilitation to...

Caregiving During the Holidays is Not a Hallmark Movie

Caregiving During the Holidays is Not a Hallmark Movie

On Christmas day, 2021, I took my parents’ dog for a walk by myself. My Dad’s nausea was bad that day and my mom’s grief was worse. My own children and husband were 800 miles away. All around me happy families seemed to be strolling along, multiple generations...

Where Can Caregivers Go for Help?

Where Can Caregivers Go for Help?

Caregivers have questions! At Daughterhood, we’ve heard a lot of them over the years. Each person comes to us with a unique and complex set of problems. These problems almost always generate some version of the question, “Where do I go for help? Where do I even...

3 Mantras Every Caregiver Needs

3 Mantras Every Caregiver Needs

If you are caring for aging parents, there are many websites and books you can use to get smart about how to manage and provide care for them. But, it’s a good idea to remember that no matter how much planning you do, there’s no substitute for experience. Research is...