Where Can Caregivers Go for Help?

Caregivers have questions! At Daughterhood, we’ve heard a lot of them over the years. Each person comes to us with a unique and complex set of problems. These problems almost always generate some version of the question, “Where do I go for help? Where do I even...

4 Things You Can Do to Make Caregiving Less Tedious

4 Things You Can Do to Make Caregiving Less Tedious

I once had a therapist tell me that I had “the most disordered thinking” of anyone he had ever seen. In light of this diagnosis, I probably deserve a gold medal for getting out of bed most mornings. My secret to staying semi-sane is to keep really, really busy and to...

4 Myths that Increase the Burden of Caregiving

4 Myths that Increase the Burden of Caregiving

In exactly 10 hours from now, at 5:30 am, I’m going to pull out of my driveway and hit the road for vacation. And yet, at this point, I am still working. And I’m still packing. Two days ago, I woke up in a cold sweat about my many pre-vacation obligations, checked my...

The 5 Most Unexpected Challenges of Caregiving

The 5 Most Unexpected Challenges of Caregiving

The 5 Most Unexpected Challenges of Caregiving Every single one of us – because we are alive and we are human – runs the risk that at some point in our lives something will happen to us, making it impossible for us to take care of ourselves. This something can be any...

3 Start-Up Business Strategies That Work for Daughterhood

3 Start-Up Business Strategies That Work for Daughterhood

I’ve always had a hard time with planning. I find the process of "thinking things through" boring and tedious. Occasionally this impulsiveness gets me in over my head. Like the time I ordered 20 zillion ivy seedlings for the shady part of my backyard without realizing...

4 Must-Know Tips for Your Parent’s Hospital Stay

4 Must-Know Tips for Your Parent’s Hospital Stay

It always comes as a shock to me that being likeable doesn't solve all my problems. In my mind, being accommodating is the key to being likable. Of course, the problem with this thinking is that occasionally all that pent up accommodation and desire to be likeable...

What’s New Wednesday

The Gift of Therapy: A Caregiver's Lifeline

Source: Next Avenue

Article Written by: Myrna Marofsky