When Your Parents Won’t Listen

When Your Parents Won’t Listen

We asked Daughterhood readers recently about the most stressful part of caregiving. Many responded that their biggest struggle is conflict with their parents. When their mother or father disagrees with or ignores safety or health-related directions. Things like not...

5 Common Misconceptions About Medicaid

5 Common Misconceptions About Medicaid

I have a confession. I’ve been avoiding writing about Medicaid. It’s just so complicated it scares even me the expert. But Medicaid can be really important to daughterhood.  Someday you might have to decide if it’s right for your parent. So, you have to get smart...

Caregiver’s Holiday Survival Guide

Caregiver’s Holiday Survival Guide

Let’s face it. Caregivers don’t get to participate much in the holidays. While everyone else is planning trips and parties, shopping for gifts or decorating the house, caregivers are still muscling through their daily grind. If you’re taking care of a parent or loved...

3 Resources to Ease Caregiver Money Worries

3 Resources to Ease Caregiver Money Worries

In a recent survey, AARP found that about three-quarters of all caregivers spend, on average, 26 percent of their household income on caregiving. This is on top of the estimated $470 billion in unpaid care that they provide; and doesn’t include the potential lost...

What’s New Wednesday

The Gift of Therapy: A Caregiver's Lifeline

Source: Next Avenue

Article Written by: Myrna Marofsky