Special: Q&A with Anne Tumlison

SPECIAL Topic: Join us for a virtual lunch Q&A with Anne Tumlinson, the founder of Daughterhood, and ask her your questions about caregiving, policy or even just say hello!

Topic: Guided Meditation for Caregivers

Join Leader Jennifer Stanigar and take a  time-out for some self-care and get a head start on the year Each 1-hour session consists of centering and intention setting, 15 minutes […]

Topic: Caregiver 101

Join Leader Jean Ross RN to learn the in’s and out’s From Jean’s years in critical care, running a care coordination company, and now as CEO of a digital health […]

TOPIC: Grief

No matter the type of grief you are experiencing, join Leader Rosanne Corcoran in a warm, non-judgemental space. “To be human is to know sadness. Owning our sadness is a […]

After Caregiving with Connie Baher

Join Leader Rosanne Corcoran and author Connie Baher for a frank talk about dealing with the emotions that come after caregiving—grieving your own way, feeling lost, finding your way again.

Connection Circle

Connection Drop-in Circles are a great opportunity to make new friends and connect with others who “get” your situation. Join leaders Nicole Smith and co-leader in a relaxed atmosphere that emphasizes camaraderie and community.

Connection Circle

Connection Drop-in Circles are a great opportunity to make new friends and connect with others who “get” your situation. Join leaders Elizabeth Miller and co-leader in a relaxed atmosphere that emphasizes camaraderie and community.

SPECIAL Topic: Q&A with Anne Tumlinson

SPECIAL Topic: Join us for a virtual lunch Q&A with Anne Tumlinson, the founder of Daughterhood, and ask her your questions about caregiving, policy or even just say hello!