Three years ago, my father and I rode horses together for miles and miles of trails at a Florida state park. Two weeks after that, the world shut down and two years later, he died. His dying was my first very close-up experience with serious illness and death. If...
If you are caring for aging parents, there are many websites and books you can use to get smart about how to manage and provide care for them. But, it’s a good idea to remember that no matter how much planning you do, there’s no substitute for experience. Research is...
Other than death of a loved one, few things are more disorienting than making the shift from being cared for by your parents to caring for them. This transition is made even more challenging because it usually comes as such a surprise. And it’s not just the...
Remember when your first friends entered parenthood and you thought they seemed so boring and self-absorbed. And, then… you had a baby and you got it? Well, that’s happening again. Only this time, it’s because some of us have started taking care of our aging...
There are many heartbreaking moments to navigate when our parents start to depend on us for care. But few are as painful as fighting with our siblings. This doesn’t always happen. Sibling relationships can be a source of strength and comfort as parents grow older....